Thursday, March 3, 2011


Grant turned 6 months old on February 27th! Yet again, where has the time gone?  The infant days passed too quickly, and my sweet baby seems like a big boy already. Maybe because he is so BIG!! Grant wears 12 month clothes now and has been off the top of the growth chart since his one month check-up. . . 

Stats: One Month:  11.13 lbs. and 22 & 3/4 inches
         Two Months:  16.10 lbs. and 26 inches
         Four Months:  19.2 lbs. and 28 & 1/2 inches
         Six Months:   21.4 lbs and 29 inches

Grant's name means "Great," "Tall," or "Big."  So I guess one could say that he has "grown" into his name!!  He continues to be an amazing baby (as long as he is fed and dry, he is incredibly laid-back)!  Grant has such a pleasant disposition; he's a HAPPY baby!  By 2 months old he was sleeping 6 to 8 hours straight every night!  Grant has an adorable smile that melts our hearts every time we look at him, and he has the cutest chuckle that brightens our day!  At 4 months old, Grant started rolling over from his back to his tummy, and now he rolls both ways all the time (he is a tummy sleeper like his big brothers as well).  Grant is also very sociable; he started cooing at 2 months and now has no problem communicating with us!  He seems to make a sound like "hey" when someone new walks in the room (so it's almost like he has a greeting down)!  He learned how to squeal from Aidan and Connor and will let out some impressive screeches when he wants to be picked up or fed :)  This week Grant started sitting up by himself!  I can't get over how fast these milestones are happening, and I've got to start preparing myself for the next one, which will be crawling.    Then I'm really going to be in trouble!

One of Grant's favorite things to do though is EAT!  Up until a couple weeks ago, he had only been on breast milk, but Will and I decided to let him try some cereal since he was so interested when we were eating.  He gets so excited and will pull the bowl or spoon out of your hand and to his mouth!  Grant eats anything that is soft now in addition to his baby food (we even let him have tiny bites of banana pancakes, mashed potatoes, and yogurt if it keeps him quiet at the table)!

Grant also ADORES watching Connor & Aidan play (I agree, they are entertaining)!  I can already tell that Grant is going to grow up fast because he will want to keep up with everything his big brothers are doing.  Aidan and Connor quickly got over the gentle phase with Grant, and now they tickle and almost wrestle with him.  Connor particularly enjoys hugging Grant but ends up smooshing him (so we have to tell the boys not to be so rough with baby Grant).  I'm so thankful that Connor & Aidan show no jealousy toward Grant; they seem to have the attitude of "big men on campus."  The twins tell us regularly that Grant cannot play basketball or rock band yet.  However, just last week, Grant was chewing on Buzz Light Year's foot and Connor immediately jerked the toy away from Grant saying, "Hey, you can't do that!"  So, I'll give it another few months, and I'm sure things will change when Grant starts crawling and getting into Aidan and Connor's "things."  Will and I are certainly enjoying our house full of boys J  

Grant 1 month

Grant 1 month

1st trip to the beach 10/01/10

Cheeky Monkey for Halloween

Grant one month old

At Meadows of Dan Candy Store before Halloween

Aidan holding Grant

Grant's sad face :(

And he sleeps...

Connor holding Grant

Grant's 1st bath with his brothers

A picture of Will as a baby; Grant looks a lot like him!

Those legs never did fit in the Bumbo!

Christmas Snow!

So Cute!

Daddy and Grant

With Uncle Blake on Christmas

My sweet Boys!

Grant 3 months old

Will and Grant (aka our big-boned Willie)!

Connor & Aidan shooting ball with Dad at the YMCA

and swimming at the pool

Grant 5 months old with Papa

Grant 5 months old with Uncle Andrew

Grant 6 months old and 1st tennis practice :)

Will playing tennis with Connor & Aidan 2/27/11

Grant sits up 3/2/11 :)

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