Saturday, September 18, 2010

Introducing Our Newest Ballard Boy!

Grant Steelman Ballard was born at 11:41am on August 27, 2010 by scheduled c-section (he was in a breech position.)  He weighed 8 lbs & 4 oz. and was 20 & 1/2 inches long!

He was quite vocal for his first 10 minutes, but since then he has been a laid-back guy.

His older brothers Aidan and Connor were fascinated and affectionate with Baby Grant
from the beginning. 

Proud Daddy and Grant

Grant has been such a good baby and only cries when he is hungry.  The rest of the time he sleeps!

Sweet Baby!

The Ballard Boys (Aidan & Connor 3-years-old and Grant 2 & 1/2 weeks old)

Proud Mama with her precious BOYS!